Yves Saint Lauren announced the official access to online media in early August. YSL has been active on Facebook and Twitter, reporting on the fashion show of the company’s creative director Stefano Pilati, Yves Saint Lauren’s product world, special events, advertising campaigns, and celebrity events. Due to frequent updates, various multimedia applications, and considerable energy input, there are many followers and supporters of web pages, and web pages have high traffic and click-through rates. The company will launch its own website for the Yves Saint Lauren fashion brand. Visitors from all over Paris, New York, Milan, London, Tokyo and Hong Kong will visit the website. And YSL will also link Facebook and Twitter on this page. The site will be officially unveiled on September 8, and it will also allow everyone to download the Fall/Winter 2009-2010 collection. With the news coming out, the legendary Yves Saint Lauren will use new channels instead of past propaganda to convey people to its elegant style. Ball Pen,Plastic Ball Pen,Ballpoint Pen Promotion Gifts Co., Ltd. , http://www.nspromotionalpens.com
YSL Fashion Big Brand Promotes New Season Fashion Online
Yves Saint Lauren announced the official access to online media in early August. YSL has been active on Facebook and Twitter, reporting on the fashion show of the company’s creative director Stefano Pilati, Yves Saint Lauren’s product world, special events, advertising campaigns, and celebrity events. Due to frequent updates, various multimedia applications, and considerable energy input, there are many followers and supporters of web pages, and web pages have high traffic and click-through rates.