Saturation, saturation refers to the vividness of color, also known as the purity of color. The degree of saturation depends on the ratio of the color component to the achromatic component (gray) in the color. High-quality sapphire, blue saturation is high, the human eye feels blue rich, on the contrary, the lighter the blue, the lower the value. How to evaluate sapphire Brightness is the perception of the light and darkness of the light source and the surface of the object. It can also be understood as the brightness of the sapphire color. High-quality sapphires, whose blue color is bright, of course, the concentration of blue and the cutting of the gemstone affect the brightness, but the value of the dark sapphire is reduced. Uniformity, because the sapphire ribbon is more common, the high-quality sapphire color should be uniform. Most sapphire can see the ribbon stain from the pavilion, but after cutting, the color should be uniform from the countertop. When the sapphire is viewed from the vertical table of the eye, if the ribbon and the stain are clearly visible, the quality is degraded. Carbon fiber reinforcement laminate Carbon Fiber Reinforcement Laminate,Fiber Reinforcement Laminate,Fiber Reinforced Laminate,Fiber Reinforced Laminate Panels Jiangyin Phecda New Material Technology Co., Ltd ,